Teri Gyemi

Guiding You From Fear to Freedom

Complimentary Coaching Session

IMG_0985_2What creates an extraordinary life?
What would you do if you couldn’t fail?
What do you really want?

To live a fulfilling life requires a commitment to yourself and your outcomes. You are responsible for your success. I can help you create an empowering future and a road map to get you there but you have to be ready, committed and willing to put in the time and resources to make it happen.

Please accept a FREE 1 hour consultation as my gift to you on your journey. I want you to succeed, so I’d like to pack this call with as much value as possible.

Please take the time to answer the questions below thoughtfully  so I have the information needed to guide you. These questions will support you in deeply looking at your life and they will also help me get to know you better.

Allow yourself the benefit of some relaxed, uninterrupted time to complete this profile form. Be as open and honest as you can. Be assured that one of the primary tenets of our coaching relationship is confidentiality. I agree to hold the information you disclose on this worksheet, or in any other coaching setting, as private and sacred.

My intention is that after your free consultation you will be inspired and see the real possibility of change in your life as a result of coaching. You will leave our session connected to a higher vision of who you wish to be and action steps to get you there.

Sign up for this FREE 1 hour consultation if you’re ready to step on the path to your best life.

I am here to support, guide and inspire you to success!

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone Number

    Time Zone:

    If "other" time zone, please specify:

    Please list possible days and times for this appointment:

    What three experiences or accomplishments of yours do you feel most proud of?

    What three experiences or situations from your life do you most wish that you could change or do over differently?

    What are your three strongest desires for your life right now?

    Which three roles do you most identify with right now? Please select top three in order of their importance to you:




    If you selected "other," please explain:

    What are the three most significant relationships in your life right now and why?

    What do you consider your top three personal strengths or what qualities do you like most about yourself?

    What are three things you would most like to change about yourself?

    What are three things that inspire or motivate you the most?

    List five things that you feel are incomplete in your life right now and really need to be handled. List in order of their importance to you. These can be projects, relationships, communications – anything that stands out as being somehow unfinished.

    What are three daily/weekly activities that help you feel good about yourself?

    If you were going to live a more stress-free life what are three things you would change or do differently?

    After your passing, what do you want people to say about how you lived your life?

    Is there anything else you would like to say to me to complete this profile?


    Please type the letters you see above: